Thursday, 28 February 2013
ALERT! The CHIP of BEAST 666 - Already in use!
ALERT! The CHIP of BEAST 666 - Already in use!
One of the most obvious signs of Jesus' return
(Namorato by Letícia and Nilbe Shlishia)
Promises of peace and security are being presented by specialized companies. The goal would be to improve the quality of life of a human who feels threatened by such violence.
Many have joined the idea of using a microchip as a means of protection. However, the predictions show that people are controlled through a small mark, almost invisible.
The increase in crime in cities is leading people to accept security proposal, which in principle can be a solution. But is it the right decision?
Entrepreneurs and people who are considered the target of kidnapping, live in areas at risk, or who feel threatened have acceded to this proposal. The microchip is a small body placed beneath the skin, slightly larger than a grain of rice.
One of his goals is to store information on your host.
In Brazil, forty entrepreneurs are already "chipped", 25 of them are from São Paulo.
The skin microchip, imported from the USA, has the most spread among people who are targeted by kidnappers. The first Brazilian who received the implantation of a microchip was the victim of a kidnapping attempt. Information is the engineer Ricardo Chilelli, 49, president of First Security RCI, who was a member of the intelligence community and former military.
The consultant owns a Miami company and was responsible for the safety of weddings player Ronaldo and the singer Madonna. He is also manager of risk of kidnappings and robberies to 55 families traditional Sao Paulo.
In an interview with the News Agency Unipress, Chilelle clarified details about the microchip so controversial that his technique had begun in mid-2003. The engineer recalls that by being more violence in big cities, it is natural that the concern also increases. "You pay a price for living in Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. Price does not have to be this madness, I qualify as folly, and do not deny it to my clients.'s Very hard to walk and know I am being watched even when I go to bathroom, "he said.
Today there are a total of 2,118 families have already précadastradas to receive the microchip, and 22 are from Rio Grande do Sul, but Chilelle believes that only 10% of those people actually need the microchip. According to him, those interested are rich, have suffered some attack, or some kind of violence. "These are people who travel to countries at risk, have beach house or field in hard to reach places where no mobile signal," he explained.
Who is sticking?
Chilelle also has clients bankers, owners of large companies especially construction companies that operate in risky countries. Executives who are not owners, but by working in subsidiaries in Colombia and Mexico were chipped for fear of the high rate of kidnapping. "I have a client in South America, the U.S. embassy Presidents of first world countries, heads of state and heads of government," he says. The former member of the intelligence community still says there is a president of a great power using subcutaneous microchip and digital angel. The latter used outside the body, is a different chip, and is coupled to the sole of the shoe, the clock and the other on the belt. The engineer makes clear that just because the microchip has a lecture in various places, like Lebanon, Cyprus and Colombia.
Other purposes
For over 15 years the VeriChip is being currently deployed in cattle. Currently used in humans, is already used in humans. Its operation is via a single number for verification and consists of materials harmless to humans. When read by a "scanner" appropriate, the chip emits a radio frequency signal transmitting the exact number. Using a computer, doctors in possession of such information may have access to a database containing the patient's medical information.
The FDA, an agency that regulates the use of food and medicine in the United States, has released the chip implantation in humans for use in medicine. The VeriChip (as is known) has the function of storing medical information about the bearer of the device. The company Applied Digital Solutions (ADS) has endorsed the use of the device. Jeffrey Jacobs, 48, Leslie, 46, and Derek, 14, of the same family, volunteered to be the first volunteer to receive the implant under the skin of the VeriChip, made by the company.
Vanity unfair
In Baja Beach, Barcelona (Spain), a night club now uses the chip as a debit card. The interested customer signs a waiver which clearly mentions that if you want to remove the chip, the club is totally uncommitted to do so.
After the arm be disinfected and anesthetized by a nurse, the chip is injected into the skin.
In the United States, after the episode of September 11, 2001, the chip began to be used on military bases, prisons, nuclear power plants and federal offices by the very suggestion ADS, to control the movement of people.
In Mexico, many people already have the microchip implanted. Some supermarkets already use the chip to "radio frequency identification" to monitor the consumption pattern in some products.
There have been different on the other side of the world. In Japan, the microchip is used in school uniforms to track students who are targets of kidnapping. A non Governmental organization (NGO) in defense of individual liberties in the U.S., urged lawmakers in the U.S. state of Virginia. A CLAIM that the microchip was not to be included in the portfolio of drivers. The concern of NGOs is given to the fact that such a procedure would allow authorities to identify people attending a political rally or a demonstration in the streets.
A sign of the antichrist "To all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to be given a mark on their right hand or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, except one who has the mark or the name of the beast or the number of his name. (...) His number is six hundred threescore and six. " (Revelation 13:16 -18). Will the revelations cited by the apostle John in the Book of Revelation, are actually happening?
Technology is advancing in order to benefit man. However, creating a chip with satellite monitoring, which can relay data to a registered individual's call center on Earth, will also get people to be controlled. This may be confirming the predictions of the biblical Revelation.
The Bible also says in Revelation 13.16-18, that the mark is the mark of the beast. In the same book of the Bible 14.9,10, the apostle John says: "(...) If anyone worships the beast and his image and receives his mark on his forehead or on his hand, The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God , poured out without mixture into the cup of his wrath, and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone before the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb. "
The mark of the beast: 666
With technological advancement, the late twentieth century was marked by transformations of the global economic system, which, in order to integrate the world economy, created the organization in blocks. This may be the beginning of a possible control mentioned in the revelations.
Many theologians argue that Babylon "the great, the mother of harlots and abominations of the earth" (Revelation 17:5) is working for many years on a project in which all humans will be required to undergo a one-world government, being created in order to prepare for the arrival of the Antichrist.
The projects and promises of peace, besides union of religions (or ecumenism), are part of a proposal for unification that according to the apocalyptic interpretations, make it easier to control the world. "When they shall say, Peace and safety, cometh upon them swift destruction, as labor pains come to that is to give birth, and they shall not escape" (1 Thessalonians 5.3).
Also according to scholars, the antichrist word of Greek origin that means "against Cristo'alcançará sympathy and credibility of all. The manifestation will cause humanity to be deceived and "with its projection will be embraced peace of body, soul and spirit as if it were Christ himself. Yeah its characteristic is that of a man of God. He shall magnify himself in his heart and by peace shall destroy many. "
"By his cunning in their ventures, will prosper, he shall magnify himself in his heart and destroy many living carelessly, it will raise against the Prince of princes, but will be broken without human hands" (Daniel 8:25) .
Scientist accepts Christ as Savior
Carl Sanders is an electronics and engineering genius scientist was in the service of the U.S. government, worked with the FBI, CIA, FIRS, IRS, IBM, GE, Honeywell, Teledyne and agencies as well as governments of other countries, creating technologies for them spying safety.
He received the award from the U.S. President and Governor for design excellence. The scientists holds numerous patents and was rewarded for his Merit and Excellence for his inventions.
Sanders attended 17 meetings of the "New World Order" next to world leaders, where they discussed plans that would allow the installation of the System One World. The government gave the task of creating a microchip for identification and control of people worldwide, would have to be something small that had the characteristics necessary to be implanted under the skin, via hypodermic needle.
Carl Sanders, with a team of engineers at your side, and supported by significant sums of dollars if the project launches and draws the microchip (about the size of a quarter of a grain of rice).
File potential
The chip has the ability to store pages and pages of information about us. A general history of our professional lives, our newsletter judicial, health problems, as well as all of our financial data. Its emitter sends a signal consisting of pulse number, providing 85 data elements. It emits also at regular intervals, an analog signal created numerically. Used as a reflector sends this signal eventually serving essential information to locate your carrier.
The choice of the most appropriate place
According to Sanders the microchips operates through a Lithium battery, rechargeable by temperature changes of the skin. 's Team has spent a million and a half dollars to meet the most appropriate place for implantation within the human body. There are two places more suitable for charging the battery of Lithium: the forehead and the back of the hand. This is because the automatic loading of the stack needs rapid temperature changes without talking about the consequences under the skin. "He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark in were RIGHT HAND, or FOREHEAD "Revelation 13:16 (read Revelation 13:14 to 16). Note: "forehead" = forehead.
Sanders stood against the use of lithium because it was known that if housing microchip break, cause a painful boil and consequently much agony to the host. "And the first went and poured out his vial upon the earth, and appeared a wound bad and evil in men which had the mark of the beast and worshiped his image" (Revelation 16:2).
Repentance and conversion Scientist
The microchip was tested and deployed in military, government and sent company employees. In the Gulf War in 1991, had 100% efficiency.
After Dr. Sanders left the project, was presented to the prophetic writings of the Bible concerning the "mark of the beast." He then turned to the Christian faith and now runs seminars on this topic. Sanders sentese desolate for having participated in the invention which enforces one of the greatest prophecies of the end times. Today totally focused on Jesus, he believes the chip is a sign spoken in the Bible, in Revelation 13, 16-18.
Letter of Heath Goodman
Carl & Ruby Sanders
By: Heath Goodman
Carls Sanders travels across America with his wife Ruby, preaching in churches about the urgency of the churches be prepared for the Lord's return. He has been on TBN, radio programs and conferences worldwide. Recently, there were rumors questioning about his character and credibility of his testimony, and involvement with the manufacturing technology of the microchip / biochip.
However, I have a documentation, which in my opinion will clarify all these issues. Sanders I know personally as a minister and friend. He stayed at my house and we spent much time together. He is sincere and a brother who has a heart for God.
His message not only talks about "the engineer who helped develop what might be the mark of the beast." His testimony is on their communion with God and his message speaks about the Lord Jesus Christ.
When I talked to him about putting his testimony in a magazine and publish documentation that could explain everything about his name, he sent me a document and a letter. I decided not to publish the documents, because they occupy the space, but I decided to publish a portion of the letter he sent me.
Dear brother Heath,
I believe God will give you wisdom to publish anything that is related to this subject. I do not want to defend myself, but simply to say who I am. I'm not ashamed of my technical background, and neither of my involvement with the design of the microchip, or even disguised with some agencies. I have asked God for His forgiveness and for the blood He shed for me, I'm forgiven and I know that.
I showed several documents to confront those who came against me, but they will not even look at the evidence, but after much prayer, God gave me to pursue peace with Him in His word He said: I'll fight for you! And that is exactly what He has done for me.
Please Heath, understand, I do not wanna rock, but to build a new creature and that's why I do not sell anything and never sold. We are not interested in money but in souls ...
Brother Sanders
I would like to say to anyone who may have heard or spoken anything about the credibility of this man. Please take care not to fall into the sin of slander and defamation! This is an abomination of the Lord!
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